Now, since my mental capabilities are scaled so that now I'm almost 7 years old, I like also the "little thoughts", as we used to call them at elementary schools. But one per post is enough. The today's one is the following.

Ok, now I'll go to write some bullshit that I'll pretend to be interesting things to be sent in some useless conference that pretends to be an interesting conference in order to attract people interested in taking holidays and plan how to obtain more money to plan other conferences like that one. This is science and research, folks! And it doesn't matter if the solution is suboptimal, as a friend of mine, recently involved in his first inter-university european project, pointed out a couple of days ago. "My impression is that if we, guys, in our room, managed the entire project, without any expensive meeting around the world every two weeks, any integration, without tons of paperwork that nobody is interested in, we'd finish five times faster". Ah, that's why we are students, because we haven't mastered this art. Not yet. But somebody of us is managing to improve, pointing out that he doesn't like to work as a researcher in a private company. The usually publish less papers. Maybe because they are working. Who knows.
End of the criticism (that anyway is not addressed to all my friends that work in this field, included the one that I welcomed at the beginning of the post, but to many aspects of the big organisation of the field itself - I'll write it down just in case...).
Ihr habt eine schoene Webseite hier, und vielciht schaut Ihr euch auchmal meine an, ok Sex im Internet ist nicht jedermans Sache, aber eben meine erste Homepage. Danke und macht weiter so!
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